Saturday 8 February 2020

TSS Lecture : Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem : The prospects of the memoriser of Al Quran in todays world

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

TSS Lecture : Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem : The prospects of the memoriser of Al Quran in todays world

The Jews and Christian boasts of their prophets miracles...what did Prophet Muhammad SAW have?

The prophet Muhammad SAW
Al Quran
The ultimate Miracle
For All kinds and times
The words of Allah
Original language...Arabic
The beauty of the not in the written script...but it is the hearts of the memoriser.
The Huffaz...
Quran is kept in the chest of man
Healing Mercy
It is a source of healing...
Allah says...we send the Quran to
Healing and  Rahmah to mankind
to those who believe....
We have to believe, Adhere and abide
My Honour is not my wealth family and other material
My honour is my Quran Iman Islam
A person of Honour
Read Love and Implement/ Apply the Al Quran
Not sufficient to memorize....
Need to be a walking Quran
Honest Brave Generous
Dont Cheat Dont lie Dont Swear Slander
Read Understand Memorise Apply***
Surah Al Baqarah , 2 last Ayah
We Hear and We Obey
We seek forgiveness and to you we return
What goes in our mind ...that we dont talk or do...Allah with forgive. ONLY if we do injustice we will be responsible for our actions
The companions not only memorise the AlQuran but love to recite the Al Quran
1 day 1 juzuk
1month 30 juzuk
Story of Abdullah who married a noble woman. The father ask the daughter in law how is his son...the daughter said
He prays tahajjud all night long and fast every day...the father was not happy as he knew the son was not doing his duty to his wife
The father complain to Prophet SAW about his son
3 days in a month
10 days in a month
1 day fast n 1 day dont fast...maximum
30 Juzuk in 1 in A week
Must Love the Quran because u love Allah..learn n learn the Al Quran
In the will build the believe on the day of judgement..(
Pray...Read the Quran because you love Allah...not because your parents and teachers ask
We believe on the day of judgememt...with Quran in my heart...I am aware Allah is watching me....
Public or Private ...we are the same
Why we ask the
You can be a will a proper leader
It is difficult to say bad awful things...when we read and remember the beautiful kalimah of the Quran.
Parents invest in their children...when they long as their children keep reciting and applying the Quran...their Graves will be lighted...
Only the Quran unites us....
Allah Pledge to Preserve the Quran till the end of the times
How? By Man memorising it.
Why is it important to memorise
Who is qualified to lead solat...
The best among the people is who leads the prayer...and who memorises the Al Quran
Sunnah Nabi is to memorise the Al many times a year ?.. Ramadhan..once a year
Except the year he died...he did it 2 times
You want Syafaat / Intercession
Someone comes to interceed you and ask Allah to have mercy on You...thats the Al Quran.
ALLAH elevates people with the Quran. Who perserves and implement the Al Quran will be e
The people of the Al Quran are the closest people to Allah..Allah is with you..your protector.....
You dont fear people..
Memorise for the sake of Allah not for the work engineer/ceo/minister who memorises the Al Quran
We cant all be scholars of Islam...
Be the best in maths chemis biology arabic...
Be the best in Arabic and Al Quran....
If u look at Al Quran as will never be able to succeed to memorise...You need to love the AlQuran..recite..remembers at what ever chance
Dont think  Quran is a burden....Do it for the love of Allah. Your life will change tremendously
Trick of the Syaitan...
I cannot memorise of the Al Quran
I depend on my children...
No no no...never give are not too old
Never ever say you cant
Memorise bit by bit
Never give up on yourself
Help others to memorise Quran...say tahfiz school...give will be sedekah jariyah.
How to make the Quran speak
You have to revise..revise...if not it will dissappear.
Keep on runs away
More difficult is to maintain than to memorise
Do a Schedule Daily:-
1. Memorise
2. Revise what we already memorise
Quality v Quantity
Islam Focuses in Quality
Finish it well and
Biggest problem is sincerity...memorise for the sake of Allah...not to show off
Set a target to reach and strategy...not to show off...
Dont pressure yourself for others and dont choose quantity over quality
Everyone has their own distraction
Old and young
Man and Woman
Surah Al Kahfi
Allah explains how :-
Keep yourself those
Surround yourself with good people...example the man in the caves.
Do not look outside the circle
Do not obey those who have been
Little by little...distracted
Be with those who do Halal. Not Haram.
Memorising is a gift from Allah...
Nothing to do with being smart...
No size fit All. There is no tips
30 mins before Fajar...suppose to be good
After Asar to Maghrib?
Maghrib to Isya
After Isya
Depends on the person.
There is no formula.
Focus Revise and Memorise.
How old people do?.
They write down the by one

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